Tuesday, April 2, 2013


why can i only write when somber?
why can i only express longing loss and desire?
 why cant i create an image of beauty


i really wish i had some sort of device that would allow me to make others understand my observations of themselves and the world.

Friday, March 8, 2013


i have this tendency to want to open up to people, once i have made any sort of emotional connection with them
this is dangerous. i have to keep telling myself. first impressions are often deceiving and whoever you think this person is initially they may not be.
i find myself constantly being fooled and believing there is far too much good in everyone.
i find mostly that the end result of this leaves me beyond baffled and feeling as though I've been slightly betrayed. 
although realistically it is my own false hope that betrays me.
how can i correct the fact that i want to believe that all those i allow into my life hold to the same moral views that i hold myself to?


Monday, February 25, 2013


When one is prepared to make a generously large leap of faith,
We trip and stumble on the uprooted undergrowth beneath our feet.
life is messy

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I'm trying to pick back up the pieces of my severely shattered life..
I can't help but find it utterly confusing. 
For where to i put them so that they fit better now than they did the first time?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Dear _____, 

So many things I want to say, but I don't know if it will make a difference...

We should all be open with each-other for how else should love be expressed but truthfully?

As we grow we should always handle situations with care, so as to not inflict any damage upon those who have not yet experienced as much of what life has to offer.



Wednesday, February 1, 2012


saying goodbye: the hardest part when connecting with another, the hardest part when loving..

i feel like i am rediscovering the world, myself, and all of you in it. slowly and somewhat clumsily, i am learning about what's worth while and what is worth throwing away. no longer will i horde because i feel as though the more i have the more i will feel complete, i have never felt whole. the only thing that will change that is my own outlook.

i promise to live life to it's fullest because i cannot promise that all of those whom i love will do the same.
i promise i will think before i act, speak, or believe.
i promise to be the most perfect balance i can be.
i promise to never forget you.